Linca [Valkyrie of the Sun]

Linca [Valkyrie of the Sun]

Event: New Chapter: Crimson and Azure Blades - LEGEND FES

Level: 80
Stars: 5
HP 1501SPD245
Does not include Grow Board
Flame Smash

Before attacking, reduces target's Burn resistance by 100% for 2 turns. After attacking, boosts own stun damage by 30% for 1 turn.

WT: 100

Range: Single

Power: 43 > 45 > 48 > 50 > 53

Break: 16 > 17 > 18 > 19 > 20

Ignite Blow

Before attacking, reduces target's Fire resistance by 25% for 2 attacks. When target is stunned, also boosts target's magic attack damage received by 30% for 2 attacks.

WT: 200

Range: Single

Power: 154 > 163 > 173 > 182 > 192

Break: 118 > 125 > 132 > 139 > 147

Volcanic End

Before attacking, reduces target's Fire resistance by 30% for 3 attacks. When target is stunned, boosts M. ATK of the ally with the highest M. ATK by 50% for 1 turn.

WT: 200

Range: Single

Power: 320 > 340 > 360 > 380 > 400

Break: 300 > 318 > 337 > 356 > 375

  • Fired-Up Fighting Spirit
    • When attack target is stunned, very high chance to inflict the target with 3 stacks of Burn.
  • Conflict and Destruction of Fire
    • Boosts skill damage and stun damage of all Fire affinity allies by 10%.

Crimson Swordswoman
Boosts all allies' Burn resistance by 100% and boosts their skill damage by 50% when their attack target is burning.
