The Newbie's Guide to Resleriana

This game is a little tough to jump into, I'm here to tell you what you need to know.

Who do I reroll for

The tutorial roll guarantees you a solid character. I do not recommend rerolling to get your favorite of the three, but I'll explain what I think of your options.

  • Marie is an AOE breaker, but you automatically have Shallistera to fill the same role so I think her value is somewhat less than the other two.
  • Resna is my long-term favorite of the bunch as a supporter that can be built as an attacker early on, and used for crit later on.
  • Ryza is a solid single target attacker. The problem with attackers in general is that they're very replaceable, but Ryza will feel very good until you manage to build up your roster.

On top of this tutorial roll, you get to select a single character of your choice from the launch pool. If you do not have a good defender, your easy first choice is Judie (she is solid with her leader skill active). Good second choices depend on your roster-- you can consider Logy, Resna, or Ryza.

The one character you never want to see when rerolling is Ice Rorona. Every account receives her for free. Do NOT mistake this for Slash Rorona, who is dressed up for wintertime -- you should be HAPPY to get her.

While not every banner is going to be super meta, your best bet for rerolling that won't take you forever and a day is to get the units on the current banner. If you like suffering and struggling against the rates, I do discuss the meta later in the guide.

To reroll, I highly suggest buying the tickets from the shop. Tickets do not earn you spark currency, but they do get you 10 rolls for half the price.

What even is a spark?

When you 10 pull from the gacha without the use of tickets, you earn 11 Legend Medals. If you get 150 of these, you can buy a character from the shop -- this is referred to as sparking. If you earn 200, you can spark the memoria on the current banner. This is mostly whale territory, but there can be memoria that are worth it.

What should my team comp be?

The earlier you are in the game, the less you need supporters and defenders. Super early on, don't worry about it that much. You think of a way to clear the content with three breakers? Do it. We've all been there. I would also not worry much about team synergy at this stage.

As you progress you will start needing defenders and supporters. You'll start running fewer attackers and breakers. You may be able to use items over dedicated healers for a while.

Eventually, the endgame calls and tells you that you need an AOE attacker and her four supports. Some of these supports may be breaker or defender shaped. What does that mean? They are breakers/defenders that have skills that reduce enemy resistance, enhance ally damage, etc. They're supporters in disguise.

You will run far fewer breakers toward the endgame. Stun HP balloons to the point it becomes difficult to stun enemies, so it's difficult to use breakers for their intended role. Still possible, just hard.

Don't underestimate the 1* and 2* characters

These characters are good:

  • Ruven: Specifically, his synthesis gift, Skill Power Up. He should be a priority to 5* just for his use in synthesis.
  • Resna: Yes, your free Resna is actually a solid unit for a while. Her AOE burst has good value, and the early chapters are designed assuming you use her.
  • Escha: Single target breaker with good speed. Reduces Air and Slash resist, so has funny uses down the line.
  • Shallistera: AOE breaker. You are guaranteed to have her from the beginning, and similar to Resna, you are assumed to be using her in earliest chapters.
  • Marion: Similar to Escha, a solid single target breaker with good speed. She is my beloved and you should love her too until the meta shifts away from breakers in general.
  • Lent and Linca: They are essentially the same character, one being phys defense, and the other being magic. If you don't have better defenders, they are workable.
  • Meruru: AOE healer. She can also increase damage enemies receive and is somewhat tanky.

Not all of the characters left out are crap, but these are the ones I'd recommend using the most. It's worth investing all (even the bad ones) 1* and 2* characters to 3* at least, this makes them far less squishy and much more usable (almost every character has a use in the elemental towers!), and it doesn't take that long.

A little warning: Regina is more of a niche use defender, as she does not draw enemy attacks toward her (she protects you from counterattacks instead). She's a free unit so she gets 5* easier than the others, but her niche holds her back from general usability.

The Meta

There are two forms of meta -- Roman tournament meta and general use. This is about general use for clearing score battles, dungeons, and so on. Roman tournament is high level, high RNG, and competitive.

Your long-term goal should be a high value Skill 2 AOE attacker and her support squad. There are currently two candidates for your attacker:

  • Bolt Izana
  • Air Resna (crits when using boost panels)

And here are options for your support squad (it is very difficult to build a perfect team as a new account, so I am giving more than five options):

  • Bolt Lydie -- Excellent for Izana, not as much for Resna. AOE Heal with a skill damage buff, passive boosts bolt character damage.
  • Stab Sophie -- Necessary for Resna. AOE heal, converts ally panels to boost panels.
  • Air Ryza -- Better for Resna as she reduces Air resistance of all enemies, but also increases magic damage received on enemies so workable with Izana.
  • Slash Rorona -- Guaranteed crit chance, highly valuable for Izana
  • Bolt Wilbell -- Crit panel generation, also highly valuable for Izana
  • Strike Flocke -- AOE Heal, Boosts Crit Damage
  • Air Totori -- Defender, boosts magic damage of allies, heals allies when hit
  • Bolt Klaudia -- Debuffer, makes enemies take increased magic damage and reduces their damage given
  • Strike Lydie -- Defender, boosts skill damage of all allies
  • Fire Heidi -- Boosts M.ATK

If it isn't clear, you need a guaranteed crit method for your AOE attacker. Older accounts have access to a usable item that gives crit panels, but you, as a new player, must use other tools. If you lack guaranteed crit, Bolt Resna, Golden Extract Soup, and as many stacks of Critical Finish as you can luck into are what you can use in the meantime.

A peek ahead

Soon, for Japan, they will remove dungeons entirely. Global tends to see these types of updates a little faster than Japan saw them, but I won't speculate when this feature lands for us. This actually relaxes the supremacy of Izana and Resna.

And who should you be looking out for? Resna. Specifically, the Fire Resna that is coming at the 1st Anniversary. Her power is utterly absurd, and her burst is AOE when you need it. She doesn't even need a full support crew to express her absurd power.

They will also be introducing easier difficulty options for the story, so look forward to that.

What about Memoria?

The fact is, you're behind on memoria, and they're very important to account power. It's rough catching up on this, as there is no easy means of acquring off banner memoria. You're also missing out on some important memoria that were handed out for free. Pray for these to be handed out again.

You can combine memoria to rank V to increase their effect to the max. This is worthwhile on your best damage increasing memoria, but the rest can be treated as stat sticks. Having 11% Speed memoria in particular is very valuable for speed tuning, but you will obviously want to put high M.ATK on your magic attackers, high P.ATK on phys attackers, etc. Some memoria have effects that apply to the entire party, so read their effects carefully.

Who should I prioritize getting to 5*? [About Pieces]

You use pieces to increase the star level of your characters. Star levels most importantly increase your stats. You will get pieces by drawing duplicate characters in the gacha and through the shop. These are are what you should prioritize:

  • Attackers that you use (you want the damage)
  • Characters useful in synthesis (you want the increased rank V trait chance)
    • Every Skill Power Up character is worth it. Every single one.
  • Defenders that you use (you want the defenses, less important than the other two)

Supporters/Breakers you use consistently can be stopped at 4 or 4.5, this makes them less squishy and generally nicer to use.

When you do Pieces Quests, you can do three for free. It is worth paying the 50 gems to do two more after the free ones, especially if you are watching ads on the mobile versions. I know you are resistant to spending your precious gems, I swear the increase in account power is worth it.

You can also exchange Shiny Coins for five random pieces every six hours at the shop, and you get a free daily reset. It will generally be your low tier units appearing, rarely a random 3*. If you max out all your 1/2* units, only 3* pieces will appear, so it has long-term value, and it is legitimately not a bad thing to minimally invest in your low tier units anyway.

Do not put any 'welfare' units in pieces teams. The game will give you the pieces through other means -- they are all easy 5* units. This means Free Resna, Free Valeria, Regina.

What are Atelier FES tickets?

This features characters and memoria from the launch of the game -- the base pool of characters. Obviously not extremely meta, but it's a good way of boosting early account power and filling out your roster for the elemental towers.

This pool will never update, do not save the tickets, roll ASAP and hope for the best.

Here's some cool things you'll want:

  • It's Time To Study. I'd argue this is the primary draw of Atelier FES and you want five copies
  • A Time Just for Two is a solid damage boost, get as many duplicates as you can get.
  • Any 11% speed memoria
  • Almost all of the characters have their uses in the elemental towers, but here's who I'd want to see the most:
    • Logy has a good AOE burst
    • Mu has a valuable AOE on skill 2, but you do need a good support crew to give her damage
    • Judie is simply best defender in the pool
    • Corneria has Skill Power for synthesis, and is a good breaker
    • The tutorial roll characters you missed
  • For the remaining characters:
    • Iksel is decent for Fire tower as he boosts fire damage alongside his heal
    • Firis is a painfully slow but workable attacker for Air tower
    • Keithgriff and Raze have niche uses as tower breakers (and have Critical Finish and Physical Stun Damage Boost as traits, respectively). Keith is a contender for worst breaker in the game, however, due to his horrific speed and having two ice skills despite being a fire breaker. But if Keith is second worst breaker, Raze is third. Niche is, indeed, the word for these two.
    • Odelia's paralysis is useful in some tower floors.
    • Ayesha is a contender for worst character in the game but still has the trait Critical Finish to barely salvage her
    • Oskar is the second worst of the pool and has no synth trait to save him, you should prefer Lent in Strike tower.

What should I synthesize?

Early on, just make cheap gear. It's more important to get high level traits than to worry about your early game gear being meta. You will learn despair later.

I will give some general pointers, but this is highly character specific so I'd suggest consulting with the community for your specific characters, especially when it comes to Enhanced Damage Buff [A]. You'll really want to flesh out your attacker gear first, it'll make the game feel a lot better. Breaker gear is okay early on, but later you won't emphasize it much so you don't need to aggressively pursue rank V traits unless your breaker happens to debuff as well.

  • All about Enhanced Damage Buff [A]:
    • What it works on: Memoria (!!!), passives, normal skills, equipment
    • What it doesn't work on: Traits, leader skills
    • Who wants this skill: Characters that increase damage, whether it's skill damage or crit damage, magic damage, etc. It will specify the word DAMAGE.
    • Who doesn't want this skill: any character that increases STATS over damage (especially Empel/Heidi). They can still get some use of this if they equip the right memoria, but other supporters will do better.
  • Attackers (highest priority)
    • Skill Power Up: You will aim for two copies until better traits become available.
      • Super early, this is not strictly feasible and that's okay. Dealt Damage Boost will get the job done.
    • Critical Damage Up: No characters have this as a gift, so you will rely on items to get one copy of this.
    • Enhanced Damage Buff [A]: No characters have this as a gift. Some attackers will prefer this over Critical Damage Up. You will need to read their kits carefully.
  • Breakers
  • Defenders
    • All Resistances Up [Resolve]: For defenders that actually need to be tanky
    • All-Target Attack Resistance Up: For defenders that actually need to be tanky, especially useful in tower
    • Enhanced Damage Buff [A]: If your defender is meant to give buffs to your attacker, this is valuable.
    • Recovery Boost (and similar): If your defender has a self heal, this is solid.
    • Magic Resistance Up / Physical Resistance Up, if you really have nothing better to do.
  • Supporters
    • Enhanced Damage Buff [A]: A couple supporters do not strongly benefit from having this, but many do and it's going to be one of your most valuable traits.
    • Single Recovery Boost, All Recovery Boost, Recovery Boost: Depends on the character but these are all okay, with Recovery Boost being the worst.
    • Every now and then you'll run defensive traits on your supporters (including Magic/Physical Resistance Up); these tend to be supporters without healing or those that do not benefit from Damage Buff A.
    • Enhanced P./M. Resistance Down if the character is Bolt Klaudia.
  • Items
    • Buff Items want Critical Finish x3. Loads of characters have this trait, and it'll be the most generically useful unless you have a means of granting crit without it.
    • Debuff will prefer Magic Curse, Bolt Curse, etc.
    • Healing items often want Ample Healing, Single Recovery Bonus, All Recovery Bonus, though you will not use this much as you get later in the game.

When you synthesize, you want as few useless traits as possible. You also want your primary synthesis characters to be 5*, as your rate of getting rank V traits goes up. For instance, a classic attacker synth combo will look like this:

Ice Resna (Skill Power Up) -> Air Totori (Skill Power Up) -> Phantom Egg (Stab Resistance Up/Critical Damage up)

This has one bad trait, so your chances of getting what you want are pretty decent. And, yes, there are characters that have more value as synthesis gifts than in battle. Resna/Totori is an especially powerful synth combo, but they're both good in combat too.

So you see the 'Simple Synthesis' button and you wonder if you should use it. If your current roster is garbo and you're super early... yeah, you can use it. You might luck into better traits than you'd otherwise get.

However, it should be avoided as soon as you get good synthesis characters. Absolutely stop using it once you reach chapter 9 and unlock Critical Damage Up materials.

How does speed tuning work?

Speed tuning is probably the most important element in Resleri's combat to understand.

You would think that initial turn order is determined by the speed stat only, but this is not the case. It is actually a combination of their speed stat and their skill 2 wait time.

The fastest character in the game is Esty at 277. But she will have difficulty outspeeding Slash Valeria, with her speed stat of 260. Why? Because Valeria's S2 Wait Time is a nonstandard 175, whereas Esty has the standard 200. Esty needs a fair amount of speed investment to overcome this, but it is possible for her to go first.

On the other side of this, Air Firis has a slow speed stat but you can NEVER make her go faster than anyone else because her S2 has a wait time of 275. She's so slow that fast characters can use their S1 (usually has a wait time of 100) to cut in front of her. This can be beneficial, as it may allow you to push her onto burst panels.

Some S1s have really valuable effects, but one of the primary uses for them is to alter the timeline to your favor, such as kicking enemies off burst panels.

A few leader skills grant 'initiative'. This will make applicable characters go first no matter what.

In general, you want all your other units to go before your primary attacker. This allows them to receive full benefits from everyone else before they get to attack. Not every character is going to play nice with this idea.


  • The Recommended Power doesn't really mean that much.
  • The Blue Orb Training Quests are by far the easiest, you should attempt them as soon as you can. Purple is probably second easiest, and Red is usually hardest.
  • You ultimately do not need to do that many Power Up Dew Quests. You will get far more of the materials than memoria to use them on.
  • Cole quests are probably the most important, and if they ever do double Cole (this is very rare) you should use all your stamina on it.
  • Resetting your characters is free to level 40. Thus, create a team of your least favorite units and get their Growboards to VI. Use these characters for all your dailies and keep resetting their EXP as they max out. This is an easy and efficient way to gain exp and then focus it on your best units. You only need five characters to hit the level cap.
  • For characters above 40, you need an Elixir of Return to reset the character and claim all their orbs and experience. You can get these for free by looking at the trial battles in the gacha, or you can buy them from the shop.
  • Do not give all your chars exp and orbs. You want to prioritize those you use in battle and those you need in synthesis. Chars in synthesis benefit from a Growboard as high as XII.
  • Physical elements are Stab, Slash, Strike. Magic elements are Air, Bolt, Fire, Ice.
  • If you need to know what element your enemy's attack is, there will be an icon next to the skill name as they are using it.
  • If you are playing on PC, you can use right click to skip or back out of a lot of things.
  • "Motion Intensity" in the settings means jiggle physics.
  • For the love of all that is holy, go into the "Game" settings and:
    • Burst Skill Animation -> Shorten
    • Skip Synthesis Animation -> On
    • Bulk Pie Collection -> On
    • Skip Quest Start Animation -> On
    • Skip Results Animation -> On
    • Display Pop-up (Rarity) -> OFF
    • Display Pop-up (Trait Level) -> On
