Barrel Wisdom is an unofficial fansite dedicated to game help for Atelier and other Gust games. Some content used is owned by Koei Tecmo, the copyright holder of Atelier and the other games created by their Gust division, which we use in the most loving way possible to create a better site. We claim no affiliation with Koei Tecmo.
The blog section is under copyright by the original author(s). All other content is under the (CC BY-SA 4.0) license, except when a different license is indicated on the page. The source code is released under GNU General Public License v3.0.
To contact the admin: curry@barrelwisdom.com
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Privacy Policy
Your data is not sold or given to third parties. For anyone that registers to the site, your email is known to the admin only.
Terms of Service
You agree that you are at least 13 years of age if you sign up for the site or post comments. Anything you add to the site can be removed for any reason, as well as your account. Content you share on this site is subject to the license and terms listed above; further exceptions may be granted with admin approval.
Last Updated: November 13, 2024