
Attack XS

Minor non-elemental damage to target. Damage depends on the target's defense level.

Attack S

Small non-elemental damage to target. Damage depends on the target's defense level.

Attack M

Medium non-elemental damage to target. Damage depends on the target's defense level.

Attack L

High non-elemental damage to target. Damage depends on the target's defense level.

Attack XL

Incredible non-elemental damage to target. Damage depends on the target's defense level.

Fire S

Minor Fire damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Fire M

Medium Fire damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Fire L

High Fire damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Fire XL

Incredible Fire damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.


Unmatched Fire damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Ice S

Minor Ice damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Ice M

Medium Ice damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Ice L

High Ice damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Lightning S

Minor Lightning damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Lightning M

Medium Lightning damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Lightning L

High Lightning damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Earth S

Minor Earth damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Earth M

Medium Earth damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Earth L

High Earth damage to target. Damage depends on target's resistance and the area's element.

Falling Stars

Stars fall around the enemies.
