Gathering Better Items

After you made the Spring Cup mentioned in Money, you can make a pretty awesome Tonic. But first, make sure you have Magic Grass x3 around 80 quality. If not, make a crappy Tonic or two, go to Fragrant Plains, and use the Tonic(s) before gathering. Also, the final event in Cooking Class can provide some high quality stuff you'll need if you haven't explored far enough.

Once done, make another Tonic with top tier effects, which is easy to get with the Spring Cup's liquids, then register with Pamela. Never gather without using a Tonic again. Always use it before gathering. Use it multiple times if you're looking for particular traits; it will reset unchanged gather points.

Put Pro Favorite on your Tonic for a whopping +3 usage. Since the success rate is reduced 75% by this trait, it will take several attempts, but the payoff is worth it. Even though the trait is dropped, the +3 usage remains after registering it in wholesale.
