Marc Events

  • Starting Year 2, 1/1, he'll be with Hagel. (30 friendship)

  • 15 days later, talk to Marc on Artisan's way, then visit Iksel's place. (Possibly optional.)

  • 30 days later, go to Artisan Way. (40 friendship)

  • 30 days later, go to Artisan's again. (45 friendship)

  • 30 days later, go to Artisan's again. (50 friendship)

  • After Year 4, 1/1, with his level over 30, and 60 days later, go to Atelier Rorona. (60 friendship)

  • Go to Promised Land with Marc, fight Iron Giant. It isn't hard, especially not at endgame. Two days later, go to Atelier Rorona for the ''Arise, McVellion'' trophy. Marc is a jerk :D

  • If you don't want to trigger Marc's end, don't take him there.
