Puni Raising

The puni cannot exceed Ryza's level.

To get all the rewards, you'll create a variety of different puni types and fulfill certain conditions. See the Rewards table for all that info. Your puni will also drop a variety of materials according to its rank. Higher rank will give you more experience per feeding. As you level up, you can give the puni more items per feeding.

The rank depends on the energy/color/mood averages; for all except Abyss Puni (Rank S is a flat 0), higher is better. Lower tier puni will never achieve Rank S, higher tier puni will never be in Rank E.

Shining Puni95 - 10095 - 10095 - 100
Abyss Puni0 - 50 - 50 - 5
Rafflesia Puni0 - 1090 - 10090 - 100
Big Puni75 - 10075 - 1000 - 100
Flare Puni75 - 1000 - 10075 - 100
Moon Puni0 - 10075 - 10075 - 100
Lavender Puni0 - 1000 - 10080 - 100
Gold Puni0 - 10080 - 1000 - 100
Silver Puni80 - 1000 - 1000 - 100
Stone Puni50 - 1000 - 10050 - 100
Black Puni0 - 150 - 150 - 15
Flower Puni 0 - 10040 - 1000 - 100
Red Puni40 - 1000 - 1000 - 100
Green Puni0 - 1000 - 10040 - 100
Blue Puni0 - 1000 - 1000 - 100


Rafflesia PuniPuni Doll
Black PuniGiant Manuscript
Green PuniGreat Elemental's Chair
Blue PuniCelestial Body Model
Red PuniGiant Kurken Fruit
81 - 100 ColorResort Bed
61 - 80 ColorResort Sofa
0 - 10 ColorGoat
81 - 100 EnergyTransport Cannon
61 - 80 EnergyPiano
0 - 10 EnergyBlackboard
81 - 100 MoodDinner Bell
61 - 80 MoodCountryside Photo
50 - 60 MoodFarm Photo
0 - 10 MoodMusic Stand


Again, the puni cannot exceed Ryza's level. Max level requires 14950 exp.

Rank E10
Rank D20
Rank C40
Rank B80
Rank A160
Rank S320

Items Allowed

Level RangeItems Allowed
1 - 102 - 3
11 - 203 - 4
21 - 304 - 5
31 - 405 - 6
41 - 506 - 8
51 - 607 - 9
61 - 708 - 10
71 - 809 - 12
81 - 9010 - 13
91 - 10012 - 15

Category Values

(Animal Products)3-21
(Dragon Mat.)402
(General Goods)3-31
(Magic Tools)-352
Standard Values
Category E D C B A S
(Animal Products)123345
(Dragon Mat.)112234
(General Goods)122345
(Magic Tools)123456
