Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | Broom Strike | Physical | Default attack | |
10 | Natural Optimist | - | Passive | Reduce effect of ailments 20% |
15 | Resilient | - | Passive | Increases Break resistance |
20 | Whimsical Talent | - | Passive | Increases power of items, reduces wait time. Up to 20%. |
25 | Caring | - | Passive | Enhances effect of all support actions |
- | Assist Attack | - | Physical | Assist Attack 1 |
- | Broom Charge | - | Physical | (Small area) Assist Attack 2 |
- | Broom Charge | - | Physical | Assist Attack 3. High break value. |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30% |
- | Cooldown | - | Field Burst | Increases max HP, HP recovery each turn |
30 | Burning Bomb | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Item Speed Up | - | Passive | Reduces WT after using items 10% |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Increases skill (item) power by 15% |
GS | Critical Enhance | - | Passive | Increases crit chance 15% |
GS | Damage Bonus | - | Passive | Increases crit damage 15% |
GS | Broom Counter | - | Defend | DON'T BUY THIS |
GS | Rear Line HP Regen | - | Passive | - |
GS | Rear Line MP Regen | - | Passive | - |
Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | Maiden Shot | Magic | Default attack | |
10 | Alchemist's Wit | - | Passive | Item power +15% |
15 | Strong Will | - | Passive | 20% chance to survive KO |
20 | Item Master | - | Passive | WT after item use -15% |
25 | Ancestral Spirits' Protection | - | Passive | Evasion +10%. When HP is low, evasion, accuracy, crit rate go up. |
- | Assist Attack | - | Magic | Assist Attack 1 |
- | Ether Light | - | Magic | Assist Attack 2 |
- | Prime Vision | - | Magic | Assist Attack 3. Increase item damage by 10%. |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30% |
- | Resonance Echo | - | Field Burst | Increases attack/defense by 15% |
30 | Initiategram | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Item Enhance | - | Passive | Item power +10% |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Increases skill (item) power by 15% |
GS | Delay Resistance | - | Passive | Reduces effect of turn delaying attacks 30% |
GS | Damage Reduction | - | Passive | Damage -10% |
GS | Rear Line HP Regen | - | Passive | - |
GS | Magic Resistance | - | Passive | - |
GS | Maiden Shower | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30%. HP recovery (depends on attack). |
Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | Nail Shot | Physical | Default attack | |
5 | Rainy Spin | Magic | Activates 2 time cards | |
10 | Tri Burst | Physical | Increased break value, delays turn | |
10 | Analytical Skills | - | Passive | Reduce effect of ailments by 20% |
15 | Charge Burst | Physical | Powers up depending on number of active time cards | |
15 | Iron Guard | - | Passive | Reduces damage taken by 10% |
20 | Squall Arm | 30 | Magic | Activates 3 time cards (only active when in front line) |
20 | Wisdom of Central | - | Passive | Increases damage of normal attacks, fill rate of burst gauge against alchemic enemies |
25 | Medical Shot | 30 | Heal | (All allies) Revives from KO. 1 time card. |
25 | Hidden Fighting Spirit | - | Passive | Increases fill rate of burst gauge from attacks |
- | Assist Attack | - | Magic | Assist Attack 1. 2 timecards. |
- | Bomber Shot | - | Magic | Assist Attack 2. Medium area. 1 timecard. |
- | Sky Trap | - | Magic | Assist Attack 3. Multiple timecards. |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30% |
- | Time Sweeper | - | Field Burst | All stats +5 per timecard (laaaame) |
30 | Full Auto | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Stun Burst | 28 | Physical | Delay enemy's turn |
GS | Storm Spin | 23 | Magic | 3 timecards. Chance to cause weakness. |
GS | Knock Burst | 22 | Physical | Increased break value. Delays enemy turn. |
GS | Weakness Maker | 27 | Physical | Creates weakness to magic damage. |
GS | Aimed Shot | - | Defend | Reduces damage 50%. Destroys enemy timecards. |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Skill Power +15% |
GS | Delay Resistance | - | Passive | Reduces effect of turn delaying attacks 30% |
GS | Earth Resistance | - | Passive | - |
Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | Flame Waltz | Fire | (Small area) Default attack | |
- | Dancing Sword | 23 | Magic | (Medium area) Attack |
- | All Range Sword | 26 | Magic | (All enemies) Attack |
- | Magic Resistance | - | Passive | Resistance to magic damage |
15 | Volcano | 30 | Fire | (All Enemies) Activates 2 time cards |
15 | Master's Consideration | - | Passive | Increase evasion, accuracy, crit chance if Lotte has low HP |
20 | Honed Mind | - | Passive | Increases crit damage by 15% |
20 | Heal All | Heal | (All allies) HP Recovery | |
25 | Power of Spirits | - | Passive | Skill power +15% |
25 | Phantom Sword | 26 | Magic | Single target. More MP is consumed based on damage, but it's amazing. |
30 | Wind Flow | Buff | (All allies) Increase DEF, evasion | |
- | Assist Attack | - | Magic | Assist Attack 1. |
- | Blink Sword | - | Magic | Assist Attack 2. |
- | Riot Sword | - | Magic | Assist Attack 3. Increases damage of skills 10%. |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30% |
- | Life Glow | - | Field Burst | Auto revive, rear line healing increase. |
- | Secret Arts | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Increases skill power by 15% |
GS | Critical Enhance | - | Passive | Increases crit chance 15% |
GS | Damage Bonus | - | Passive | Increases crit damage 15% |
GS | Rune Ward | - | Defend | All allies, reduces damage 30% |
GS | Rumble Sword | Magic | (Medium area) Reduces defense | |
GS | Rapid Action | 24 | Buff | (All allies) Reduces WT |
GS | Cure Stream | 22 | Heal | (All Allies) HP regen, KO recovery |
Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | Smiting Blow | Physical | Default attack | |
- | Explosive Strike | 26 | Earth | (Single Target) Damage |
10 | Explosive Cannon | 25 | Earth | (Medium area) Damage. Usable in defense stance. |
15 | Healing Palm | 11 | Heal | (Single target, including rear) HP recovery. Usable in attack stance. |
15 | Healing Wind | 19 | Heal | (All allies) HP Recovery. Usable in defense stance. |
20 | Art of War | 13 | Buff | (Self) Increase attack/speed. Usable in attack stance. |
20 | Art of Defense | 13 | Buff | (Self) Damage reduction, HP Max increased. Usable in defense stance. |
25 | Flame Spear | 24 | Fire | (Single target) Damage |
25 | Gale Thrust | 24 | Wind | (Enemy Row) Damage |
10 | Ship Warrior's Law | - | Passive | Increases damage dealt against higher level enemies 10% |
15 | Healing Earth | - | Passive | 10 HP regen |
20 | Flickering Flame | - | Passive | Crit chance +15% |
25 | Flowing Wind | - | Passive | Reduces WT by 15% after skills |
- | Assist Attack | - | Physical | Assist Attack 1. Changes to attack stance. |
- | Chi Strike | - | Physical | Assist Attack 2. Small area. Changes to attack stance. |
- | Yin & Yang Wave | - | Physical | Assist Attack 3. Delays enemy's turn. |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30%, changes to Defense Stance |
- | Cosmic Duality | - | Field Burst | Increases length of burst 25% by reducing burst consumption. |
30 | Arm of Divinity | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Yin Reversal | - | Defend | Reduces damage by 60%. Changes to Defense Stance. |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Increases skill power by 15% |
GS | Rear Line HP Regen | - | Passive | - |
GS | Rear Line MP Regen | - | Passive | - |
Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | Unseen Attack | Physical | Default attack. Adds continuous damage. | |
- | Smoke Bomb | Fire | (Small area) Chance to blind. | |
10 | Stealth | 24 | Physical | 1 timecard. |
10 | Adventurer's Eye | - | Passive | Accuracy +50%, evasion +10% |
15 | Manhunt | Physical | (Small area) Continuous damage | |
15 | Poker Face | - | Passive | Reduces effectiveness of turn delaying effects |
20 | Arm Swipe | 25 | Physical | Strengthened by continuous damage effects. Reduces crit rate 33%. |
20 | Survivor | - | Passive | Increases MG regen in rear line, recovers HP. |
25 | Unseen Hands | Physical | Strengthened by continuous damage effects. Increases enemy drop rate. | |
25 | Lore Master | - | Passive | Increases damage of normal attacks and fill rate of burst against Elementals. |
- | Assist Attack | - | Physical | Assist Attack 1. Continuous damage. |
- | Vital Stab | - | Physical | Assist Attack 2. Reduces max HP. |
- | Killing Sword | - | Physical | Assist Attack 3. Power up when continuous damage effect present. |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30% |
- | Double Blade | - | Field Burst | Burst power +25% (additive), adds continuous damage to all attacks |
30 | Fatal Blow | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Stink Bomb | 20 | Fire | (Small area) Reduces attack power. |
GS | Soul Hunter | 24 | Physical | (Small area) Chance of death. |
GS | Unseen End | 20 | Physical | Strengthened by continuous damage effects. Damage based on HP. |
GS | Shadow Decoy | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30%, creates decoys (last 2 turns). |
GS | Wind Resistance | - | Passive | - |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Skill Power +15% |
GS | Skill Speed Up | - | Passive | WT after skills -10% |
Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | Sword Draw | Physical | (Small area) Default attack | |
- | Helm Split | Physical | Ignores defense. Can fail. | |
- | Phantom Dance | Physical | Can fail. | |
- | Exorcising Blade | 18 | Buff | (All allies) Elemental resistance, 10% damage reduction for next hit |
- | Clairvoyance | 15 | Buff | (Self) Increases attack and accuracy |
- | Snacker | - | Passive | HP recovery each turn |
- | Peerless Swordsmanship | - | Passive | Increases break value of all attacks |
- | Expert Stance | - | Passive | 30% chance to reduce WT by 25% |
25 | Reincarnation | - | Passive | Auto revive on next turn with low HP. |
25 | Chaos Blade | 22 | Physical | Chance of extra turn |
- | Assist Attack | - | Physical | Assist Attack 1. |
- | Brandish | - | Physical | Assist Attack 2. Small area. |
- | Executing Blade | - | Physical | Assist Attack 3. Increases in power with lower enemy HP. |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30% |
- | Rapid Movement | - | Field Burst | Chance of getting extra turn immediately. Not quick/WT reduction. |
- | Peerless Blade | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Quick Rush | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30%. Can take turn immediately after use. |
GS | Helm Split | 20 | Physical | Ignores defense |
GS | Shadow Dance | 28 | Physical | Level debuff (-7) |
GS | Dimensional Blade | Buff | (All allies) Elemental resistance. 10% damage reduction. | |
GS | Water Resistance | - | Passive | - |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Increases skill (item) power by 15% |
GS | Damage Bonus | - | Passive | Increases crit damage 15% |
Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | Ether Hand | Magic | (Small area) Default attack | |
- | Life Steal | Magic | Absorbs portion of damage dealt. | |
- | Double Up | 30 | Heal | (All enemies) Absorbs MP. 1 timecard. |
- | Overflow | Buff | (All allies) Attack up | |
- | Exa-Flame | 26 | Fire | Damage |
- | Elixir Glass | Heal | HP recovery, revive from KO. Includes rear. | |
- | Energy Blow | 29 | Magic | (Small area) Absorbs HP (20%) |
- | Wealth of Knowledge | - | Passive | Increases damage dealt and reduces damage received against higher level or powerful enemies. |
- | Slag Eater | - | Passive | Increases damage of normal attacks and burst fill rate against Slag enemies |
- | Medica Ring | - | Passive | 20% chance to survive KO, large HP recovery each turn. |
- | Killer of Controllers | - | Passive | Crit chance +10%, crit damage +10% |
- | Assist Attack | - | Magic | Assist Attack 1. |
- | Doctrine Work | - | Magic | Assist Attack 2. Small area. Stat absorb. |
- | Ancient One | - | Magic | Assist Attack 3. Level reduction. |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30% |
- | Immunity | - | Field Burst | Ailment and break immunity |
- | Hand of Dusk | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Split Guard | - | Defend | (All allies) Reduces damage 30%. Treats area attacks as single target attacks. |
GS | Soul Steal | 23 | Magic/Buff/Debuff | Absorbs level (+5, -5 to enemies) |
GS | Soul Evolve | 19 | Buff | Level +5, all stats +10 |
GS | Last Elixir | 14 | Heal | Includes rear. Continuous HP recovery, revive |
GS | Fire Resistance | - | Passive | - |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Increases skill power by 15% |
GS | Critical Enhance | - | Passive | Increases crit chance 15% |
Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | Power Swing | Physical | Default attack. | |
- | Fla Bomb | 18 | Fire | Damage |
- | Apple Tart | 10 | Heal/Buff | (Single ally) HP recovery, max HP increased 20% |
- | Mach Synthesize | 12 | ? | Random attack item, 3 timecards |
- | Apple Story | 15 | Heal/Buff | (All allies) HP recovery, level +10 |
- | Ether Strike | 21 | Magic | (All enemies) Chance of blind |
- | Tauzent Force | 24 | Magic | +15% burst |
- | Super Cheerful | - | Passive | Reduces WT by 20%, 25% to survive KO |
- | Ancient Alchemy | - | Passive | Skill +25% |
- | Live Tail | - | Passive | HP regen, evasion increase |
- | Controller's Blessing | - | Passive | Magic/physical resistance |
- | Assist Attack | - | ? | Assist Attack 1. |
- | Crazy Bomb Attack | - | Fire | Assist Attack 2. Delays enemy. |
- | Ether Rush | - | Physical | Assist Attack 3. Delays enemy? THIS TRANSLATION. |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30% |
- | Potentialize | - | Field Burst | ~18% item power bonus (additive) |
- | W. Draw O | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Ether Barrier | - | Defend | (All allies) Reduce damage 30% |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Increases skill power by 15% |
GS | Rear Line HP Regen | - | Passive | - |
GS | Rear Line MP Regen | - | Passive | - |
Escha's Growth System (Horrible mistranslations fixed) | ||
Attack Power +5 | Defense +5 | Speed +5 |
Break Recovery | Support Recovery | Rear Line HP Regen |
Assist Guard Upgrade | Skill Power | Break Resist |
Max HP +20 | Max MP +20 | Crit Rate +5 |
Crit Power +3 | Rear Line MP Regen | All Stats +5 |
Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | Hom Attack | Physical | (Small area) Default attack. | |
- | Hom Attack Squad | 26 | Physical? | (Medium area) 3 timecards |
- | Hom Refuel Squad | 22 | Heal | (Single ally) Revive, increase burst (10%, even in burst), 5 timecards |
- | Hom Backup Squad | 38 | Buff | (All allies) All stats +50, 25% damage reduction, 3 timecards. |
- | Hom Charge | 27 | Physical | (Small area) Damage |
- | Hom Dispatch | 37 | Physical | (Single target) Chance of extra turn |
- | Hom Beating | 30 | Physical | (All enemies) Damage |
- | Cool Brain | - | Passive | Ailment effect -50% |
- | Skillful Hands | - | Passive | Accuracy, crit rate +30% |
- | Veteran Pateshe | - | Passive | Greatly increases assist skill effects |
- | Hom Master | - | Passive | Skill +25% |
- | Assist Attack | - | Physical | Assist Attack 1. |
- | Hom's Home | - | Physical | Assist Attack 2. Defense down. |
- | Hom All Out Attack | - | Physical | Assist Attack 3. Negate buffs. |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30% |
- | Hom Cheer | - | Field Burst | Crit power +20% (additive, exceeds cap), high avoid KO |
- | Hom Super | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Hom Sacrifice | - | Defend | Reduce damge 100%. |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Increases skill power by 15% |
GS | Rear Line HP Regen | - | Passive | - |
GS | Rear Line MP Regen | - | Passive | - |
Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | High Slash | Physical | (Small area) Default attack. I hope this is physical. I didn't test it. | |
- | Over Strike | Physical | (Single target) Physical damage, delays turn. | |
- | Maxim Cut | Physical | (Small area) Level down. | |
- | Quad Blast | Physical | (Single target) Increases WT by 33% | |
- | Mirage Ring | Buff | (Self) Chance to reduce WT by 33% for 5 turns | |
- | Phantom Blitz | Physical | (Single target) HP absorb, chance to get another turn | |
- | Primal Blitz | Physical | (All enemies) Absorbs attack/defense/speed | |
- | Analytical Skills | - | Passive | Accuracy, crit rate +20% |
- | Leadership | - | Passive | Increase all support effects 30% |
- | Supreme Partner | - | Passive | Skill +15% when Escha is at low HP (why) |
- | Cool Headed Passion | - | Passive | Level increased. By how much? Good question. |
- | Assist Attack | - | Physical | Assist Attack 1. |
- | Flashback | - | Physical | Assist Attack 2. Another turn. |
- | Plasma Break | - | Physical | Assist Attack 3. Supresses next attack count. Um? |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30% |
- | Endless Time | - | Field Burst | Randomly reduces WT after turns, increases evasion rate |
- | Tausend Blitz | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Proto-Defense | - | Defend | Reduce damage 100%. |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Increases skill power by 15% |
GS | Rear Line HP Recovery | - | Passive | - |
GS | Rear Line MP Recovery | - | Passive | - |
Acquisition | Skill | WT | Type | Description |
- | Floral Touch | Magic | (Single target) Default attack. | |
- | Bright Craftquad | Physical | (Medium area) Damage | |
- | Himmelschenk | Magic | (Medium area) Burst up. Including during Burst. | |
- | Eternity Aura | Buff | (All allies) Def, Spd, HP recovery, 5 turns. | |
- | Genuk Rain | Heal | (All allies) HP recovery, cure ailments | |
- | Yggdrashield | Heal | (All allies) Revive from KO, avoid KO once | |
- | Exabomb | Fire | (Single target) Reduce max HP | |
- | Flexible | - | Passive | Damage reduction, evasion +10% |
- | Skilled Item Handler | - | Passive | Skill, crit rate +15% |
- | Dusk Blessing | - | Passive | Damage reduction +25% when not in break status |
- | Herbalist's Pride | - | Passive | Nullifies ailments. Greatly increases loot drop. |
- | Assist Attack | - | Magic | Assist Attack 1. |
- | Twilight Breath | - | Magic | Assist Attack 2. All stat drain |
- | Flowless Shine | - | Physical | Assist Attack 3. Nullifies enemy time cards. |
- | Assist Guard | - | Defend | Reduces damage 30% |
- | Controller's Domain | - | Field Burst | Nullifies ailments, gradually increases stats. |
- | Guardian Summon | - | Ultimate | - |
GS | Earth Guard | - | Defend | Reduce damge 100%. |
GS | Skill Enhance | - | Passive | Increases skill power by 15% |
GS | Rear Line HP Recovery | - | Passive | - |
GS | Rear Line MP Recovery | - | Passive | - |