
Phy Damage L

Deals physical damage.Damage dealt is affected by the target's defense value.

Phy Damage S

Deals strong physical damage. Damage dealt is affected by the target's defense value.

Fire Damage L

Deals fire damage. Fire damage dealt is affected by the target's fire resistance.

Fire Damage S

Deals strong fire damage. Fire damage dealt is affected by the target's fire resistance.

Water Damage L

Deals water damage. Water damage dealt is affected by the target's water resistance.

Water Damage S

Deals strong water damage. Water damage dealt is affected by the target's water resistance.

Wind Damage L

Deals wind damage. Wind damage dealt is affected by the target's wind resistance.

Wind Damage S

Deals strong wind damage. Wind damage dealt is affected by the target's wind resistance.

Earth Damage L

Deals earth damage. Earth damage dealt is affected by the target's Earth resistance.

Rain of Fire

Causes fire to rain from the sky, dealing fire damage. This will repeat throughout the battle.

Flash Flood

Creates an intense current of water, dealing a large amount of water damage.

Eye of Storm

Generates an intense tempest, dealing a large amount of wind damage.


Causes a shockwave that deals a large amount of earth damage. Larger foes take more damage.

Poison Damage L

Deals physical damage with poison. Causes additional damage if the target has status ailments.

Slag Craft L

Calls forth a Slag model, dealing physical damage to the target. The effect changes with repeated use.

D. Explosion

Detonates an ancient bomb, dealing massive fire damage.

Candy Dream

Calls forth various things from a mysterious picture book, dealing physical damage.

Four Heavens

Releases immense power sealed within a magical book, dealing powerful damage from all elements.

Flame Strike

Releases the power of a fire crystal, dealing fire damage to the target.

Hyd Strike

Releases the power of a water crystal, dealing water damage to the target.
